A small introduction
About Us
Science and the Society: Science City Center (SCC) Ibadan is where science, engineering, technology and innovation have the potential to leapfrog the many challenges that we face as a nation and also be able to use science to build capacity, and also improve people’s life.
There is a national urgent need, not only to encourage students to pursue careers in science but also to instill in people, an enthusiasm and appreciation, for science and its application in our everyday lives.
Science City Center is created to pursue initiatives for putting the world of science in the society’s hands and we start with you, and the general public as you interact with us in our varied programmes in science education, science awareness and science communication in partnership with the media.
Science City Centre aims to be the leading science advancement centre, building capacity in science, communicating the value and impact of science and technology in a growing and dynamic knowledge economy and simultaneously building the science, engineering, technology and innovation human resource base in Nigeria.